July 20 2016
Out with a crew from western PA for a day of tuna fishing. Started the day off dodging thunderstorms while doing a little trolling. Got a call from a buddy who was chunking and already had a bite so off we went. First drift only produced one deep rod bite that really only swiped the bait. The next drift finds me on the bow when the line is pulled from my hand and this crazy fish is going 100 mph straight towards an anchor line. My only chance of stopping this over bluefin is to crank up the drag and hope the 30 lb. leader holds…..it doesn’t. The next couple drifts produce nothing and by now the oppressive heat and humidity are taking a toll on two of our older anglers so the decision is made to head in and extend tomorrows trip. Later I found out the yellowfin bite turned on around 12:30 and lasted for about two hours.