10/05/24 thru 10/14/24

Our 2024 season has ended with some very good tuna fishing on the few days the wind would allow us to get out. The greenstick bite was on fire with yellowfin ranging from 25 to 60 lbs including some big blow-ups that somehow never found the hook.
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Out with a crew of meat hunters from Chester county Pennsylvania. After crushing the Mahi on light tackle we make a 12 mile run to the Tilefish hangout. Sent the guys home with a limit of Mahi and a limited Tilefish. Talk about some fine eating!
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Pointed the Bertram 55 miles east toward some lobster gear in hopes of connecting with some mahi for our solo angler from NY.  With 6 left to go we throw out a guick catch-all spread and fast troll towards the gear. 20 minutes later a white marlin crushesone of our chains and after a 15 minute fight we have the fish boatside for pics before being released. We arrive at the gear to find hundreds...
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Pushed off in some of the worst conditions of the entire year. After 43 miles we set up the stick and immediately connect with a couple football size tuna. Two hours later we still have nothing in the box despite a couple big blow-ups that didn't come tight and a few more small tuna. I decide to make the 12 mile run straight into the teeth of these conditions in hopes that the tilefish are...
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Looking for some mahi with the Lutz crew from Quarryville PA. First two pieces of lobster gear only gave up about 15 fish but the 3rd ball we hit was loaded and finished up our 40 fish limit. After a phone call from a fellow captain and a couple hours left in a day we make a 15 mile run to where some tuna have been seen. We set out the green stick and start trolling immediately connecting with...
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Ran 58 mi south with a pair of anglers from York PA. Backed up to the first lobster ball we encountered and found the mother load of mahi. With that limit taking less than half an hour we decided to try to add some tilefish to the box. Took us about 15 minutes to find the right depth of once we did our tilefish limit we limited out in about 30 minutes. Still early in the day we chuck out a wire...
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09/19/24 thru 09/21/24

After nearly a week of solid 20+ knot Northeast winds we finally had a break in the weather. Not enough of a break for any boat to make it to the canyons but we were able to slip out and have some fun. Two of the three days we stayed within 10 miles of the beach in big seas and had action on spanish mackerel taylor bluefish and a couple atlantic bonita. Friday's crew wanted to try for something...
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09/13/24 & 09/14/24

Two very similar trips with similar outcomes. Ran 44 miles each day to find way too many false albacore making it almost impossible to pull an effective yellow fin spread without immediately getting jumped on by turkeys. Stop at some gear both days and added a couple mahi to the box. Ended Saturday's trip a little early because the conditions were just getting too hateful.
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09/11/24 & 09/12/24

09/11/24 & 09/12/24

Back to back tilefish trips with two crews who did not want the fish for tuna even though the bite was pretty decent less than 20 miles from us. The bite on Wednesday was outstanding. However the crazy fast drift on Thursday combined with way too many cooks in the kitchen required every bit of out time and tricks to hit our limit.
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09/09/24 & 09/10/24

09/09/24 & 09/10/24

First no show of the season. Well basically a no-show after giving me 5 hours notice that they were not going to be able go. Tuesday's mid-range mahi trip found the mahi totally MIA. Cold green water and not a pretty fish to be found.
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Spend a day with Capt. Dan and the crew and discover why Fin Chaser Sportfishing Charters is so popular! Ocean City, MD has some of the best fishing on the east coast! Fin Chaser Sportfishing Charters offers offshore trolling, chunking, deep drop fishing, nearshore wreck action, fly fishing, and more most within a two hour run from the inlet! Filling coolers for years.


 Offshore Canyon Trip $1950
Deep Drop Trip $1950
Troll/Deep Drop Combo Trip $2075
 Shark Trip $1675
Mid Range Trolling Trip $1700
Nearshore Trolling Trip $1350
Wreck/Bottom Trip $1275


10/04/24 10/6/24
10/03/24 10/5/24

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