June 2022 Report

June begins Fin Chaser's offshore season. Most of these trips we're targeting tuna but some tilefish trips continue to be run as well. Wind turned into a real issue this year as well as the large biomass of fish holding 100+ miles from our inlet for some of the month. Our tuna trips yielded modest results with some slower days being offset by great catches of tilefish for those who wish to try...
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May 2022 Report

Our season began on May 15th 2022. The first two weeks we targeted black sea bass with good results. Most of our crews limited out despite the new increased size limit. Late in the month we ran a trip for blueline tilefish with great results while continuing to run black sea bass trips.
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Spend a day with Capt. Dan and the crew and discover why Fin Chaser Sportfishing Charters is so popular! Ocean City, MD has some of the best fishing on the east coast! Fin Chaser Sportfishing Charters offers offshore trolling, chunking, deep drop fishing, nearshore wreck action, fly fishing, and more most within a two hour run from the inlet! Filling coolers for years.


 Offshore Canyon Trip $1950
Deep Drop Trip $1950
Troll/Deep Drop Combo Trip $2075
 Shark Trip $1675
Mid Range Trolling Trip $1700
Nearshore Trolling Trip $1350
Wreck/Bottom Trip $1275


10/04/24 10/6/24
10/03/24 10/5/24

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