06/17/21 & 06/18/21
Every now and then you have a truely epic day of fishing you’ll remember for a long time, today was one of those days. Arrived at the grounds around 7 am. First bite took about 15 minutes. The next 2 hours was mind blowing. 24 yellowfin and 18 in the box by 8:40 am! Back in the slip by 11;30 am. Almost in time for a late breakfast. Knowing the word would get out and a flat calm forecast we leave stupid early on Friday trying to beat the crowd. With 25 miles to go I get a call on the radio from a bud of mine who had a 24 hour overnight trip and he tells me there’s already 60 boats there and more arriving every minute. We arrive at 5:40 am to find well over 100 boats already paddling around the spot. The bite was slow for most. We managed 7 bites all day but only three found the hook and one of those pulled off after a crazy run.