June 15 2019
Out for what I though was to be a combo trip for tuna and tilefish. Started trolling just outside my favorite golden tilefish hole and after two hours of no action I ask the guys if they’re ready to deep drop but they decide they want to keep tuna fishing. Hearing of a few fish 18 miles south and what seems like a decent bite up north but out of our range Dave pulls the spread and we run 12 miles farther south. No action until we hit 67 degree water when we finally get a skipjack. A mile later, 68 degrees, we get hit by four yellowfin. One pulls off just after the bite, one breaks off next to the boat but two manage to go in the box. Worked the area with a couple more small bites and one more yellowfin added to the box. Picked up lines one hour later than normal looking at a 72 mile run to get back to OC. Would like to say it was worth it, but just not sure.