August 10 2016
Ran south with a crew of guys from Lancaster PA. Idea was to hammer the tilefish in the Washington canyon. With about ½ a mile left to go I decide to swing by a couple lobster balls with baits that Dave threw out in a hurry. With all the fishing pressure of the last few days (White Marlin Open) I’m fairly sure this gear will not produce. Well, the second ball proves me wrong as a couple rigger baits get nailed and we put the fish couple fish in the box. Decide to go ball-to-ball with light tackle and see if we can get lucky. By 10:00 we have 20+ mahi in the box most of which are 12 lbs. and up. We turn our attention to deep dropping but the bite is less than stellar and only add about a dozen fish over the next hour. Threw out a trolling spread for about an hour before the guys decide to end the day early allowing extra time for the 3+ hour drive back to PA.